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The Power of a Dream

Dr Martin Luther King Jr speaking to 1000s
Vision creates Legacy for Businesses

The famous dream of Dr Martin Luther King Jr painted a picture of a world that was different to the one that he was in.

That dream ended up shaping the destiny and lives of American ever since.

Having a Dream or Vision of your business can do the same.

It creates a picture to your team of the possible, and frames the destination of that possibility.

As a leader, your job is to take people on that journey to get to the 'promise land' of achieving the objectives and goals of your business.

But sometimes the reason that we do not have a vision is:

  • Our fears in that we will not succeed

  • That it is too hard to do - so why try

  • That I am happy with the 'status quo'

  • That we do not believe we can do it by ourselves

  • We think we will fail due to lack of finance to get us there

I could go on.

But the regret at the end of your life of not trying is more painful than the journey of at least giving it a go.

So do not Dream Big, Dream Bigger.

A few tips:

  • Write down the dream that you have for your business. Getting it out of your head gives it context and perspective

  • Break down the Vision (Dream) into tangible goal aspects. They could be timebound revenue goals or having 20 people servicing the US in three years etc

  • Now take those tangible goal aspects and double it!!

  • Work backwards and see what you need to do to start on your journey with the resources, people and skills that you have at your disposal

  • Break down the goals further into years, quarters and monthly goals. This will keep you on track

Vision is one thing. Strategy and execution is another.

I hope this blog has stimulated you to DREAM BIGGER. This could create and impact communities for generations to come.

Reach out, as we specialise in helping companies to create and realise their VISION and DREAMS. Click on the link here.

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